

Sarah received both her Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) (neuroscience and physiology, minor in kinesiology) and her Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) from the University of British Columbia. She has treated individuals of all age groups with a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, and has the advanced practiced certifications to provide sports taping, orthopaedic manual therapy, and pelvic floor physiotherapy.

Sarah is an evidenced-based practitioner, having worked at the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre as part of Dr. Andrei Krassioukov’s team researching cerebral vascular changes after spinal cord injury. She has developed her communication and education skills working alongside youth with special needs at the Kitsilano Community Centre, in addition to supervising and providing tutoring for varsity athletes at UBC Vancouver. Her experience in neurological physiotherapy includes placement at the GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, providing functional treatment for adults with conditions such as spinal cord injury (SCI) and multiple sclerosis (MS). She has provided physical therapy for sport, motor vehicle accident, post-surgical and postural injuries in both Vancouver and Victoria, using her manual therapy and exercise prescription skills to provide individualized treatment programs.

On her days off, you can find Sarah running (training for her next half-marathon), doing yoga, learning tennis or skiing; tell her what activities you love to do and she will be sure to customize your rehabilitation to include relevant movement and strengthening.

Advanced practice certifications:

1.     Level 1 Manual Therapy Orthopaedic qualification from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association

2.     BCSportsAid Certification: sports first-aid, CPR-C and athletic taping

3.     Pelvic Health Solutions Level I: The Physical Therapy Approach to Female and Male Urinary Incontinence