Yoga Therapy is the specialized adaptation of evidence based yoga applications for people with medical conditions. Yoga therapy employs exercises for restorative/postural re-education (e.g.: for spinal alignment), rehabilitation (e.g.: of soft-tissue injuries), and simple holistic techniques (e.g.: breathing exercises, mind awareness) for the complementary treatment of post-traumatic symptoms (e.g.: anxiety and sleep disorders) and pain/stress management.
Yoga Therapy uses gentle stretching and strengthening exercises (postures), breathing practices, relaxation techniques and meditation to help restore body/mind balance and promote natural healing. It is suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness and flexibility.
Benefits of Yoga Therapy:
- Improved range of movement and reduced stiffness of joints and muscles;
- Improved strength,endurance and functionality of muscles;
- Proper healing of injured tendons and ligaments to prevent the injuries from becoming chronic;
- Assistance in pain management and coping with post traumatic distress;
- Patients learn a variety of breathing and relaxation techniques to deal with both pain management and distress (e.g.: panic attacks, anxiety);
- Patients are encouraged to develop mental awareness of the physical body to relieve tension in effected areas and to prevent further injury.
How it works:
- Patients receive an initial assessment to determine an individualized treatment plan for the best results;
- During one-on-one yoga-therapy sessions, an exercise plan is implemented to gradually build up muscle strength and improve body posture;
- Personal assistance and guidance is provided to ensure optimum results;